Submitted by Regina Hollingsworth
This book is also dedicated to three “Sheroes” who have transitioned from this earthly life and now are awaiting their eternal reward, Michele Hollingsworth, Delores Rickenbacker and Lucille Romona Phillips.
These three women were sent by God to change my life forever at pivotal moments that you will read about later on in this book." This excerpt will be about Delores "Cookie" Rickenbacker who was my youth leader at Refuge Church of Christ in Freeport, NY."...Delores Rickenbacker, who we affectionately called Cook or Cookie, was the Youth Leader. Cookie encouraged me to stay connected to the ministry, remain actively involved in the youth group and develop a personal relationship with Christ by praying, fasting, and reading the Bible. Cookie was invested in all the lives of the young people at the church. She made serving God fun by providing outings and activities for us throughout the year. Cook organized fun events and entertainment at church, after church and on the weekends. Cook’s home was a haven for the young people. We had the liberties to be ourselves, laugh and talk to Cook about any and everything.
At an early age, Cook made us entrepreneurs. She would give us boxes of candy to sell to raise money to travel with our Pastor to National Conventions and Conferences. She included everyone. She would support us at our school events by bringing the entire youth group to the activity. I will never forget how she surprisingly brought the entire youth group to my high school senior’s award night and how they cheered for me after every announcement for an award I received, screaming my churches nickname, “Bouche, Bouche, Bouche”! They were the loudest crowd in the audience. Cook and my church family had become my family by love after my blood family disappeared out of my life for the season that my parents forsook and abandoned me! Besides entrepreneur skills, I learned the dynamics of a real family.
It was Cook that took approximately six graduates from the Class of 1984 to New York City for a dinner and to see the Off-Broadway play, ‘Mama I want to Sing’ starring Desiree Coleman. Cook told us to dress up because she was taking us out for a memorable evening since the young people were discouraged by the church organization, at that time, from attending the prom which they called “worldly”. Cookie gave us a remarkable senior night that we all enjoyed.
Cook made serving God gratifying. The young people did not have to smoke cigarettes or marijuana or drink or go to clubs to have a good time. We wanted to chase after God and pursue His Kingdom. Honestly, I did not feel that I was missing out of worldly things or events because I was young, saved and being taught how to enjoy this life. Cook was my friend, mentor, cheerleader, role model and sister in Christ. Ultimately, if Cook were not in my life when my sister left Refuge church, I would have left the church too and missed out on what would become one of the greatest blessings in my life.
Cook was also known for making us her famous jello cake! Later, Cook and her family relocated to Georgia and that was the state where Cookie transitioned from this life to receive her eternal reward in January 2017..."
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