Submitted by Cristal Jones
I met My Phoebe after being baptized in Jesus Name at Refuge Church of Christ, located in Roosevelt, N.Y. Actually, I met two of them, and they are sisters. However, this story is about the eldest sister, Elaine Holmes, known to most as “Boots.”
After being baptized, I felt like new money but did not understand what it all meant. They (meaning the other members of the church) said I was a new creature in Christ. You see, before I was baptized, I was searching for something -- because my life was a wreck -- not knowing that God was drawing me to Him all along. I heard the message that Sunday morning by the pastor and decided to get baptized. However, it was all new to me, but I knew it was the right thing to do.
I met Boots at the baptismal pool. She helped me prepare for baptism, and that was it! If you've been blessed to meet Boots, you'll understand what I mean. She has a sweet spirit that just pulls you in to her; even if you don’t want to go in, you can’t help it. You will love her. After being baptized, she immediately began to explain things to me about this new life. She was like my personal disciple. Boots loved to talk about Jesus, and I had plenty of questions.
I was a single mother with a two-year-old son at the time of joining the church. There were times when I needed a place to stay for a few days, and My Phoebe, along with the consent of her husband, would open their home to me. There were times I had to move from place to place, and My Phoebe would help arrange for her husband and others to help move my family (at that time my family consisted of two children and myself). When I needed someone to talk to or pray for me, I could always count on My Phoebe.
Lastly, when I needed someone to come and sit with my mother, while she was in hospice, My Phoebe was on the case.
One thing I realized: she was not just my personal Phoebe. I thought I had her to myself, but I realized that God gifted her to bless others. Therefore, I thank God for using her to bless my life and the life of others. He uses people to cross our paths for a reason. My whole family has been blessed by God allowing Boots to be in our lives and by her family accepting my family into their lives.
Thank you, God, for my Phoebe and all the others who are being a blessing. Pay it forward!